GenderEX E-Learning Course
Topic outline
Gender for Excellence in Research
This e-resource supports Early Stage/Early Career Researchers that are integrating, or planning to integrate, an EDI perspective in their research.
If you wish to find out more about the research project from which this e-resource was developed, click here.
Aims of this E-Resource
The GenderEX e-learning course aims to provide participants with the necessary knowledge and tools to explore the ways in which gender and other equality grounds are relevant to their own research projects. Special attention is given to intersectional approaches to the integration of sex and gender perspectives in research content.
By the end of this course, participants will be sufficiently equipped to
- Understand what it means to integrate a gender perspective and how to go about it
- Recognise the implications of undertaking gender-sensitive research both for science and for society at large.
- Incorporate sophisticated gender analysis into your own research projects, independently of your discipline.
How to use this E-resource
This resource has been conceived as a proactive learning exercise to help researchers consciously integrate sex and gender dimensions into their research.
Access the e-resource. Click into and engage with each section of the website and take your own notes, bearing in mind the points that may be useful for your research. For these purposes, you can make use of the notebook provided in module 5. Inside, you will find a space dedicated to each module where you can write down the information you consider particularly interesting or relevant for your research.
Extra resources complement each section. Browse the resources, and select and explore those you find most valuable and exciting.
By the end of the course, you will be ready to complete the exercises in the notebook in module 5. Answer the questions and fulfil the checklist.
This section introduces key terms related to gender identity and gender expression. Included in this module you will find some insights into key terms and additional resources for further study. In the first instance, please watch the ‘GenderEX: Basic Concepts and Definitions’ video for a helpful introduction to sex, gender and intersectionality and read the handbook for a helpful introduction to sex, gender and intersectionality.
Basic Concept and Definitions - By Dr.Sara Clavero
(Please go to YouTube in order to enable subtitles. Start the video and then click on the YouTube icon in the bottom corner of the embedded video. To access subtitles please click CC icon and then go to the gear icon where you can choose subtitles then autotranslate to select the language of your choice.To access subtitles please click CC icon and then go to the gear icon where you can choose subtitles then autotranslate to select the language of your choice.)
This section explores how the analysis of sex and gender enhances scientific, social and technological design knowledge. First, we recommend watching the two GenderEX videos below and reading the handbook for an introduction to the topic. Additional material is also provided below to further your interests.
What is the gender dimension in research? by Dr. Linda Marie Rustad
(Please go to YouTube in order to enable subtitles. Start the video and then click on the YouTube icon in the bottom corner of the embedded video. To access subtitles please click CC icon and then go to the gear icon where you can choose subtitles then autotranslate to select the language of your choice.)
What is the gender dimension in research? By Dr. Rita Bencivenga
(Please go to YouTube in order to enable subtitles. Start the video and then click on the YouTube icon in the bottom corner of the embedded video. To access subtitles please click CC icon and then go to the gear icon where you can choose subtitles then autotranslate to select the language of your choice.)
This section will discuss some case studies introducing the sex and gender dimension in STEM research. You can start by watching the videos below and the short introduction for a general overview included in the handbook.. You will find further examples and case studies in the material provided at the end of this module.
The importance of sex and gender analysis in research and innovation - By Prof Ineke Klinge
(Please go to YouTube in order to enable subtitles. Start the video and then click on the YouTube icon in the bottom corner of the embedded video. To access subtitles please click CC icon and then go to the gear icon where you can choose subtitles then autotranslate to select the language of your choice.)
"How to include the gender dimension in research (and teaching) in STEM - By Prof. Tomas Brage
(Please go to YouTube in order to enable subtitles. Start the video and then click on the YouTube icon in the bottom corner of the embedded video. To access subtitles please click CC icon and then go to the gear icon where you can choose subtitles then autotranslate to select the language of your choice.)
This section is devoted to understanding gender innovations in the social sciences. The aim is to consider how the use of gender analysis promoted by feminist and gender research in all disciplines of the social sciences can transform and enhance our understanding of the fundamental issues investigated by the social sciences. Start by watching the video below gender in environmental studies and reading the content for this module 4 included in the handbook. A list of additional resources will allow you to further explore the topics that interest you more.
Gendering research in environmental studies- By Prof Jennie Stephens
(Please go to YouTube in order to enable subtitles. Start the video and then click on the YouTube icon in the bottom corner of the embedded video. To access subtitles please click CC icon and then go to the gear icon where you can choose subtitles then autotranslate to select the language of your choice.)
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This module contains a 'workbook' with guidelines and questions to consider regarding: 1) developing your research idea, 2) gender sensitive research design, 3) gender-sensitive research communication and dissemination. The purpose of these tools and exercises is to support you in reflecting on the lessons learnt in the previous modules and in exploring how to incorporate a gender dimension in your own research.
Before beginning, please read the guidelines for engendering research produced by the GenderEX project here: Guidelines – Gender Ex
Questions to consider:
What is the context in which you wish to operate/study?
- Are you conducting research in an urban or rural area?
- What are the class positions of your respondents/subjects?Are they men/women/children/mixed?
- What are their daily routines and experiences?
Who are likely to be helped or harmed by your reseach/invention/technology?
- What is your disciplinary location?
- What is your positioning as a gendered person of specific class, ethnicity, religion etc.?
- Who is likely to be helped or harmed by your research/invention/technology?
- Which groups expressed approval or cooperation/ disapproval for your research project/technology/invention?
How gender issues will be handled in your research proposal?- What is your idea and what is its relevance to gender relations/norms/identities?
- Have sex/gender issues already been addressed in previous studies? (Have you reviewed literature with adequate terms for "gender” and “sex”?)
- What are the relevant factors intersecting with gender (age, socio-economic status, ethnicity, etc.)?
- Who have you discussed this idea with? Have you approached people in your area of research who are also integrating a gender perspective?
- Are you considering Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) principles in the selection of your main sources (e.g., inclusive bibliography)?
- What are the most interesting/innovative aspects of your research proposal?
- What are the main gender biases in your area of research?
- What opportunities may be missed by failing to analyse gender and intersecting factors?
Questions to consider:How will you integrate a gender perspective in your research questions, objectives and hypotheses?
- What are the analytical concepts, categories and theoretical models in your research field? Did you inspect misguided or stereotypical assumptions about sex and gender embedded in them?
- How do you involve diverse groups of research subjects/end-users in your research to ensure inclusive solutions?
- Have you considered including diverse group of consumers, citizens, interest groups or research participants by employing methods such as co-creation or participant research while setting research objectives?
- Have you considered the risk of stereotyping or excluding relevant groups?
How will you be integrating a gender perspective in your general methodological approach/methods of data collection?- Which methods (qualitative and quantitative) are best suited for examining the gender dimensions of relevance to your project?
- Is it possible to collect sex/gender disaggregated data?
- How can gender-diverse populations be identified without stereotyping and discrimination?
- Are you certain that you are working with appropriate sample sizes for gender comparison?
- Have you considered including diverse group of consumers, citizens, interest groups or research participants by employing methods such as co-creation or participant research while gathering and processing data?
- Have sex/gender relations between participant and researchers been considered?
- Have you validated your questionnaires to ensure that they are not gender biased and are sensitive and responsive to sex/gender issues?
How will you be integrating a gender perspective in your analysis/your interpretation of results?- Does the project analyse the impact of sex/gender on study findings?
- What kind of variables do you analyze for sex/gender? (independent variable, effect modifier etc.) Why?
- Have you examined how observed sex/gender differences vary by intersecting factors (e.g. age, socioeconomic status, genetic factors, gender norms, identities and relations)?
- Have you consider the cultural or institutional contexts in which the data were generated for potential sex/gender biases?
- Have you considered including a diverse group of consumers, citizens, interest groups or research participants by employing methods such as co-creation or participant research while interpreting results, and implementing solutions?
Questions to consider:- Who will see your findings? Who is your target audience?
- How would you present your findings in an inclusive and accesible way?
- Which actors/organizations have a stake in this research? Do they use a gender-perspective in their work and if not, can they be trained to do so? How can they become involved in disseminating and implementing the findings?
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 952432. The opinions expressed in this document reflect only the author’s view and in no way reflect the European Commission’s opinions. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.